The Special Color Palette contains two special colors to be used only in certain situations. The two colors are Lemon Yellow and Fire Engine Red. Lemon Yellow may be used with both the Enterprise and AMI palettes while Fire Engine Red may only be used with the AMI palette.
These colors have much higher color saturation than most of the colors on the AvantGo Palette. Only use these colors when no other color on the palette can be used to achieve the same effect; e.g., the product being illustrated has a button using the color, or the graphic element requires extremely special attention. The colors should never take up more than 5% of the page when used.
The illustrations above provide examples of situations when the special colors may be used.
Lemon Yellow may be used on this Enterprise illustration because no other color on the palette matches the device button as closely.
Fire Engine Red is used on this graphic for the AMI front page to get the level of attention no other color on the palette can achieve.
Always consider all possible colors from the main palette before using the Special Color Palette. Only use the special colors in extreme cases.