
The AvantGo Name
Company and Product
Brand Personality
Design Philosophy
Tag Line Treatment


The name AvantGo is used in different circumstances to represent the company and its products. AvantGo Enterprise and AvantGo Mobile Internet, though operating under the same AvantGo brand, are two separate products targeting two very different groups of customers. It is important to truly understand the core personalities that make AvantGo who we are and the qualities that are unique to each of the AvantGo products.

AvantGo Qualities

Above are the different qualities that reflect AvantGo personalities. Some are unique to a specific product, either AvantGo Mobile Internet or AvantGo Enterprise. Some are common among the two products and AvantGo, the company.

There is a common set of characteristics that defines AvantGo as a company. These qualities should be conveyed in any form of communication from AvantGo whether representing the company or any of its products or services. In addition, there are characteristics that are unique to each of AvantGo's products. These qualities should be implied when communicating about the products to better suit the requirements of each specific group of customers.

AvantGo Brand Personalities

The diagram above illustrates the relationship among the different characteristics that are unique to AvantGo. In the overlapping area lie the AvantGo core personalities which consist of 5 major and 4 minor qualities. In the left and right circles are characteristics that are unique to the Enterprise and the AMI personalities respectively.

AvantGo Design Criteria

The illustration above shows design and illustration criteria extrapolated from the AvantGo brand personalities. The diagram should be used as a guide by designers and illustrators to use when designing or illustrating any communication media for AvantGo.