The AMI Palette is comprised of the 33 colors from the Enterprise Palette plus 15 additional colors. The additional AMI colors are ana-logous to the Enterprise colors but are more vibrant.
The colors on the AMI Palette are used mostly for AMI illustrations and on some major graphic elements that serve as the main point of attention on the page. For illustrations, any tint or shade of the color on the palette can be used to render highlights and shadows. For graphic elements, use only the exact color value from the palette. Gradation is only allowed between two analogous colors.
The colors used in AMI Illustration are more vibrant and saturated compared to the colors used in Enterprise illustration. Although the colors are different, the illustration style should not change.
The color swatches shown at left are used for all AMI Illustrations. The bottom color strip shows all the AvantGo colors from the AMI Illustration Palette. Illustrators may add black or white to any of the AMI colors to create a larger, more versatile palette. Shades or tints should only be used for illustration purposes.